Thursday, November 09, 2006

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is when certain believe or idea is needed to spread out by the government, church or organization to the people mostly through the posters. It is not always the truth, it could be what the government, or certain organization want the people to believe in. It is compared to the entertainment and social needs of the people. Studying the propaganda poster can give you tones of information about the purpose, the idea or thought and even the certain conditions of living during the establishment of the poster. Most information is selected and very often "overdrawn" or "over told". During Soviet Times it was used to encourage people to work harder, to admire the leaders, to make them believe in the idea or thought of the government, etc... Russians had to obey the communism and be loyal to it. Even kids had to join special clubs which were all about communism; the others who didn't join them had difficulties in the future. The propaganda posters made people want to be communists, after all they couldn't resist it.

The [Communist] Party - The intellect, honour and conscience of our era! Lenin.

The message of this poster is that communist party is the best and that it is the future of the Soviet Union. It makes people think that they have to support communism, that communism is good for the prosperous country like Russia. The poster might also say that it will be the "number one" type of government in the world. Red and white picture with the picture of Lenin is a very bright and strong way of advertising communism and Lenin.

We should strive to raise the name and importance of a [communist] party higher, higher and higher... Lenin

In this poster Lenin encourages people to support communism even more than they do already. It makes people believe that Lenin is fully communist and that he wants to develop the Party. Big picture of red Lenin - Red is a color of communism - on a white background is a very effective picture, which could be seen from far away. But the script is too small that you have to come closer to be able to read it. Lenin holds his hands like a real leader, advising people to follow his ideas.

I hear You, comrades! Lenin

The message of this picture is that Lenin is always ready to hear what people are trying to say. He is very thoughtful, patient and he cares about people's needs. The poster shows Lenin paying attention to something or somebody. The message is written pretty clear, but the color is not that bright and it doesn't show any sign of communism, except Lenin himself.

Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live...

This poster tries to say that Lenin and his ideas of communism always were in the world and they will never disappear. He is saying that the Party is the future. Lenin stands in moving pose, which might also mean that he is also developing, moving, becoming better and better. A colorful poster like that grabs everyone's attention with its interesting design and the focus of red color in it.

We are for peace. Stalin

This is the picture of Stalin and thousands of Russians with a red colored flag in the background, representing communist party, as well as the people. The idea of this poster is that Stalin fully supports peace and compares it with communism. People in the background seem like the army ready to go and fight for the peace. It is very colorful and very clear poster, encouraging people support Stalin.

Every step of Communist Party of Soviet Union is tied with Marx, Engles and Lenin...

This poster is trying to say that Communism could not have been even existing without Karl Marx, the founder of Communism, Engles and Lenin. It makes people think that communism is a great idea and it needs to be developed in a good way to make people happy, because it was led through years with Marx, Engles and Lenin. The poster is done in probably old fashioned style with with black and white portarits of the leaders.

From what I saw and read about these posters I could say that Russia was in failing stage and communism party with Lenin gave the people hope of surviving. It managed to develop Russia, make it better and stronger. Still, communists had a lot of opponents so they needed to have people to support them. They made lots of propaganda posters to spread their thoughts, ideas and make an ideal leader with Lenin. Even though not all of the posters were telling the truth, people supported them. Communists gained power and ruled the country with communist government.

1 comment:

peaceris2006 said...


Cool poster! I like your conclusion..hehehe